This assessment employed two core methods—an online survey and manual research—to seek information regarding the human and technological capacities for deep-sea exploration and research.
Questions asked in the 2022 Global Deep-Sea Capacity Assessment Survey.
Español - Français - Português
We invite oceanographers, marine scientists, ocean engineers, policymakers, and others familiar with the human and/or technical capacity for deep sea research in every coastal country in the world to complete this survey.
Our goal is to establish a baseline assessment of the technical and human capacity for deep sea science and exploration in every coastal nation with deep water (200+ m) around the world.
If your country has little or no capacity for deep sea research, your input is extremely valuable. Do not be deterred if your answers are "no" or "I don't know"—that is important information so that we can work with you to bridge those gaps.
Your input will contribute to a ground-breaking assessment on the current status of deep sea research capacity around the world. Survey results will be made publicly available and will be used to measure change in deep sea capacity throughout the Ocean Decade.
Please share this survey widely to ensure that we include representation from as many countries and communities as possible.
Deadline: We are beginning to analyze surveys received before 1 September 2021. However, to ensure that all voices are heard, we continue to welcome completed surveys and will include your input in the survey results.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
This survey is an activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
You may be part of multiple countries. For example, you might have grown up in one country, but now live and work in another. Or you might live and work in one, but do field work in another.
This survey aims to identify the technical and human capacity of one country at a time. Think about which country you plan to represent for this survey.
If you would like to represent multiple countries/communities, please complete the survey again so that we can keep the data for each discrete.
The drop-down includes coastal countries. Select "other" if you would like to add a landlocked country, territory, or Indigenous/native community.
my country of primary residence.
my country of origin.
the country where I do field work.
my Indigenous or native community.
Other (please specify)
Basic science & exploration
Fisheries & aquaculture
Seabed mining
Conservation & protection
Maritime archaeology & history
Offshore oil & gas
Renewable energy
Safety & security
Climate change
Other (please specify)
Select up to 3.
Developing Nation/Community
Traditional Knowledge
Student/Early Career
Other (please specify)
Nearshore (within 3 miles of the coast)
On the continental shelf (~<200 m)
Deep water (>200 m)
Other (please specify)
None of the above
If there are no universities and/or research labs that study the deep sea in {{ Q1 }}, enter "NA." Please use full names, not acronyms.
If there are no government agencies that study the deep sea in your country/community, enter "NA." Please use full names, not acronyms.
If there are no other organizations that deal with the deep sea in your country/community, enter "NA". Please use full names, not acronyms.
Select all that apply.
Deep sea mining
Marine biotechnology
Marine construction &/or shipbuilding
Marine R&D
Marine transport
Ocean renewable/wind energy
Offshore oil & gas
Protection & conservation
Safety & surveillance
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Select all that apply.
Research vessels
Fishing vessels
Cruise ships
Recreational vessels
Traditional vessels
Other (please specify)
I don't have access to vessels
Question 13 was created as multiple selection because #12 was single choice (in error).
What other factors affect how well vessels in {{ Q1 }} meet your needs?
If you had more access to vessels, how much would it impact your work?
Check all that apply.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
Submersibles/Human Occupied Vehicles (HOVs)
Landers/Benthic Remote Underwater Video (BRUVs)
Tow sleds
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Other (please specify)
What other factors affect how well deep submergence vehicles in your country meet your needs?
Oxygen, pH, and/or eH
eDNA sampling
Imaging (still and/or video)
Water sampling
Navigation/tracking (USBL, LBL, etc.)
Seafloor mapping (sidescan and/or multibeam)
Other (please specify)
None of the above
What other factors affect how well deep sea sensors in your country meet your needs?
Cloud computing
Data management tools
Data storage capacity
Data visualization tools
Genomic sequencing
Geographical information systems (GIS)
Machine learning/artificial intelligence
I don't know what tools are available
Other (please specify)
None of the above
What other factors affect how well data analysis & access tools in your country meet your needs?
Access to vessels
Access to deep submergence vehicles
Access to deep sea sensors
Access to data tools
Scalability of technologies
Human capacity/knowledge to do deep sea research
Lack of connections with other deep sea researchers
Other (please specify)
Technology that can go deeper
Less expensive data collection technologies
Better/more precise data collection technologies
Scalable platforms & sensors
Better data access and analysis tools
Training opportunities
Networking/connecting with others
Other (please specify)
The following questions are for demographic purposes to ensure that we are reaching the most diverse audience possible. Your responses will be anonymized and will not be identified to you/your name in the final analysis and report.
Under 18
The drop-down includes coastal countries.
Select "other" if you would like to add a landlocked or Indigenous/native nation.
Gender fluid
I'd prefer to describe myself
Prefer not to answer
Some High School
High School
Some college
Bachelor's Degree
Some graduate school
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Trade School
Prefer not to answer
Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
To finalize your response, please click "Done" below.
Sincere thanks for your input. We appreciate your time, expertise, and dedication to making the deep sea more accessible to all.
If you would like to complete the survey again for another country, please reload the survey after clicking "Done".
Preguntas formuladas en la Encuesta de Evaluación de la Capacidad Mundial del Mar Profundo de 2022.
Questions posées dans Étude Mondiale pour l’Évaluation des Capacités en Eau Profonde 2022.